They say that into every life a little rain must fall - but I am fairly certain that for me -- it's sweat -- and this weekend it might be sweat, blood and a few tears. (although come to think of it, it did sprinkle this weekend as well)
They say...(who the heck are they anyway? I have always wanted to know..and who made them experts?) They say that the best way to lose weight is by eating right, of course whats right for one person is not right for everyone. It is NOT one size fits all. Eating healthy is good, its true, but for me..well if I am not moving, I will not lose. I can eat absolutely perfect - 150 percent on track, but I need to get a little wiggle in my jiggle, a little motion in my ocean, a little pep in my step.
So, lets talk about workin it out. I have a passionate feeling about exercise -- I HATE it! That does not mean that I dislike it a little, or that I just am not overly fond of it. That means I passionately with every fiber of my being HATE exercise!!! I do not like push-ups, sit-ups, etc - I am not a hamster to run on a wheel (or treadmill) and I hate the gym. (let's put that one right up there with going to the dentist without Novocaine) So, how does this work then? Hmmm...Good question
I walk, a lot -- most evenings you will find me watching TV with my family..its a guilty pleasure. Now, in times past that would mean sitting in my recliner, a bowl of popcorn or some yummy thing to nom on, feet kicked up and in relaxation mode -- because hey...I worked hard all day. Dr Phil has me on this one -- I can hear his voice in my head saying "How's that working out for you?"
"Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again - and expecting different results."
Albert Einstein
Ok, so I had to get real with myself. I have to move -- and oddly, moving more makes me eat better. Why? Because I will be danged if I busted my butt to move and ruined it by eating badly. I have heard it said you can't out run a bad diet...TRUTH!
So, what does a girl do when she hates to move but has to? She stands in front of her TV marching in place (yay fitbit!) I walk at LEAST 10,000 steps a day. As a nurse who spends a lot of time in her car, most of those steps are obtained in the house. I walk a circuit around the living room, dining room and kitchen during commercial breaks, march in place while the show is on, walk in place while walking the dog, etc etc -- but those 10,000 steps WILL happen. Do I enjoy it? No, not really..(hey not going to lie!) but, I don't mind it - and it doesn't take time away from my family, and THAT I DO enjoy!
I went this weekend and did something that I DO love -- I got to go rock hounding with my husband. We go outside (and I am so not normally an outdoor girl -- nature makes me sneezy! and the sun is also not this pale pale girls friend. I am an always burn never tan kinda girl) and look for rocks -- pretty sparkly rocks like quartz, aragonite, citrine, etc etc. There is a lot of planning involved and a lot of walking, hiking, balancing, jumping, carrying, and this weekend swinging a pick axe -- but it was a blast!!!
"It does not matter how slowly you go, so long as you do not stop" Confucius
The point is get up and get moving - it doesn't matter how fast you are, it doesn't matter what you do for movement -- just get off the couch. Two weeks ago my daughter (19 year old) and I walked to the park - we ran around on the equipment, slid down the slides, swung on the swings - children walking by probably thought we were silly - but it was FUN! Have fun! Don't "work out" - Play! Do things you enjoy doing -- or at least don't hate!
Let me leave you with this thought. If you are like me, you wont stick with things that are boring, monotonous (That is why I walk with the TV shows! Can I get an Amen?) and generally a chore to do....You don't have to follow the video, the gym, the you-tube shows etc just need to move, its up to you how you do that. Are you ready to say goodbye workouts? It was seriously the best move I have made!
Pictures to follow of what we ended up bringing home from rock hounding.
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