Sunday, January 24, 2016

Derailed -- or Switching tracks?

So this week was a hard week for me. A very stressful, emotional, horrible week. I did something that I said I wouldn't do anymore -- I ate bad icky things because of my emotional upheaval. While its great to have a plan -- it is not as easy to follow said plan during an emotional time. I will keep trying, keep practicing, keep picking myself up - brushing myself off and moving on. Why? Because I am worth it  - the time that I spend trying to get healthier is not a waste of time, it is a gift to me -- better health. It is a gift to those who love me as well, because I will be around longer if I am taking care of my body.

Here is the thing with derailing -- did you really derail? Is it perhaps instead just an opportunity to switch tracks? Seriously -- So lets walk through this - I had a bad Wed (a really horrible day, was in tears off and on all day) I didn't think about my plan, I didn't think about food - I had a stop somewhere and instead of letting myself just cry in the car before I went into the office I did what I do I shoved the emotions down, went in to work - grabbed a small bag of Cheetos, a strawberry soda and a Butterfinger. -- none of these would be healthy regardless of the day, but all together? when I wasn't hungry? just stressed and emotional? spelled for a bad combo.

So, while my plan is excellent (for me) - it isn't going to work if I can't figure a way out in those situations to actually remember I have a plan! So what is a girl to do? Derail and stay in this bad place OR just switch tracks? I am going to revisit my plan - and find a way that will force me to actually use my plan - or at least remember its there.

I am going to fail I am going to fall down. I will not always be perfect. What I WON'T do is stay down. I won't make excuses -- I made bad choices in an emotional state and they were my choices to make. I won't stop trying, stop moving forward. I will not derail - I will simply switch tracks and keep going down this line I am on, until I find the perfect solutions for me, and hit my destination. How about you?

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