Sunday, January 10, 2016

Pushing past the addiction

Hey there its me again, your friendly neighborhood food addict bringing you another edition of Goodbye to You! Addiction is a scary thing. No matter what it is you are trying to say goodbye to its so easy to get sucked back in and slide down that slippery slope. TRUST ME!!

Sugar and I have a huge love hate relationship and as much as I love it, I do not love the way that it makes me feel, depend on it, need it, crave it. I THINK that I get it whipped and then here comes another holiday or a "just this once" occasion -- and here I go on this roller coaster again.

I can't tell you how to beat it - I can't tell you to look it in the eye and never go back -- because here is the thing - sugar and I will never completely be done with each other - I have to find a way to co-exist because let me tell you (going back to the Christmas blog) There will be times that I want a glass of wine, a piece of birthday cake, holiday pie etc -- and I am not going to cease living just to stay away from this particular addiction -- but, let me tell you what I HAVE been doing

I have been limiting myself - sounds easy right? I know its not - but I try -- I start by making sure that I am not hungry when I am surrounded by that temptation - and stopping with one piece (if I even finish that) if it stops tasting amazing - save the rest for another time. I now that they holidays and company are past -- try to not keep all that good stuff in my house --- and I try to only eat treats after my dinner time meal -- why? Because I have eaten healthy all day, so I don't want to reverse all that good eating by going on a binge, I am less hungry and there is less of the day left to over do -- one treat (fruit counts on that too) -- My body thinks woohoo a TREAT!! So I don't feel deprived and I can continue off to bed without feeling like I have blown my whole week - might as well just binge eat!

Side note here - sugar/food addiction you can try to work on , if your slope is to slippery stay away from it -- but seriously folks -- do not try to moderate when its an alcohol, drug, gambling addiction that can destroy your lives -- not worth it - and if the food/sugar addiction is destroying your life as well -- still, not worth it!

Quote  -- and sorry in advance I don't remember where I read it but it is not mine!

Quote - Addictions are lies they promise escape, but only bring bondage. 

For me - I have been working on the why -- why do I feel the need to have this thing - what does it give me, what am I trying to mask by having it? We will go into this a little more in the future -- why? Because, honestly it is something I am still working through in my journey. 

You are the key to your journey to bring yourself out of the bondage of the addictions that hold you in captivity. Good luck in your journey to setting yourself free!  

1 comment:

  1. Oooof!! I remember trying to give up smoking. "Just one ... I promise ... I will give the rest of the packet away tomorrow." Horse poop!! I am serious about what helped me finally to get across the slippery slope. It had nothing to do with fear for my health; nothing to do with the support of friends and family; nothing to do with their badgering. I had to create a switch inside my head. One that, when the temptation loomed, I could figuratively reach up and make sure that it was in the 'off' position. It became known as my 'No-switch'.

    Just but one packet .... NO!! Just bum one ciggy from Peter Mills .... NO!! Just take a drag .... NO!! It didn't work the first time around. I stumbled and fell on the second. I think it was about on the 4th cycle that it stuck. I haven't smoked for 14 years.
