Friday, January 1, 2016

Goodbye 2015

Today is a new day - a fresh start - a new beginning...welcome 2016!!

While most of the world is going to be working on new years resolutions or starting the latest greatest fitness plan, diet or pill/shake etc etc - I will be waxing nostalgic over 2015 and continuing with the plans that I have been working on for the better part of a year... I will continue to learn, to grow (mentally NOT in waist size!!) and to do what I am supposed to be doing.

So, this year was a GREAT year for me - I found the things that work for me with eating, and am wrapping my mind around what I need to do to stop my brain from getting in my way, and that's all well and good - but what I have found largely in 2015 was things that definitely don't work for me...and that is cool too! I will totally take that! Ya know why? Because it's something I wont try again because it didn't work.

Here is the thing - I have to do what works for me - which isn't going to be the same thing that works for you, or my husband, or the neighbor down the street. Our bodies are all different, our stresses are different, our hormones are different...we are not one size fits all...(which let me digress for a moment and say -- who the heck comes up with that -- it does NOT fit all, usually doesn't even fit most -- just slap your size M on there and call it a day already!) Ok -- so back to my other stream of thought, do NOT think that just because you may not be where you want to be after trying all year last year that it is time to give up. Just learn what you were meant to learn from that, know what doesn't work for you and move on. Find what does - keep researching.

What has my research taught me -- shakes/pills/potions/lotions/miracle cures -- not really a thing. (I am sorry if you sell one of these things -- but the reality in it is it may give an energy boost to help with the things that DO work for you and yay if they do) - but in my opinion healthy food by itself without the typical SAD (standard American diet) will do the same thing and have no side effects or extra costs incurred. There is not a magic cure.

For me - diets that count calories or points or other macro nutrients -- also not my thing. Why you may ask? Easy -- I am lazy! To me counting everything and looking it up continually is not sustainable and I could gain weight back -- and think about this carefully if you are eating 1200 calories in nachos and soda, you ARE staying in your calorie range or points - but what nutritional benefit does it give your body -- except maybe heartburn?

I will say on a non diet note that 2015 brought me great joys - my youngest daughter graduated high school, my middle daughter gave me another grand daughter (the 2 most beautiful lights of my life) and I got to see all of my children and grand children for Christmas. My husband and I found a house that I love and I get to see my sister and my mother often (would like to see the rest of our family and faraway friends a little more often than I do, but we all do what we can do). I hope that you all had an awesome 2015 and that we all have a bright and wonderful 2016! Have the happiest of New Years! 

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