Sunday, November 8, 2015

Goodbye Green Grass

I have often heard it said that the grass is greener on the other side. That is soooo not true!! The reality is that, the grass is greener where you fertilize it. I am not going to get preachy here on a Sunday but the Bible says For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. It's the same thing.

So, for me what does that all mean? It means that if I think that life is going to be wonderful hunky-dory and sunshine and roses if only I could just...get down to my goal weight, move to this house, do this one thing...its probably not true. I have to be happy where I am right now, because this is what I have made. I can't think that if I could only just get to these places or these goals that everything will be amazing, because I am still me. Make sense?

What now? Glad you asked... my goals haven't changed - I am still wanting to get to that goal weight, I am still wanting to be debt free in 2016 -- I have big plans for my life!! That's all ok -- but I have to also be happy in where I am now. I can't compare my life or my journey for that matter to my sisters, or my neighbor, or my co-worker. First of all, its not a race - and second of all, they have had different roads to walk then mine. 

Oh, I know -- I can hear the voice in my head ---

"Sharyl, its just not right that you work out, you eat right and the scale doesn't budge, but Joe Schmo goes to the gym less than you, eats crap half the time, and omg -- can you see it?? He's lost like 20 pounds in 3 weeks!! What are you doing wrong?" 

Guess what -- maybe I am doing something wrong, but I will figure it out...or maybe nothing at all. My body is my body -- and it's going to do what it's going to do. BUT!!! I can be happy right here - I can eat right, fuel my body with the right foods, do the exercises to make my body healthier and stronger. The number on the scale is not a direct correlation to what is going on. 

So, I ask you this -- if you KNOW that you have given it your best this week, and please note here that I did not ask if you were perfect, just that you gave your best. Do you feel better? Do your clothes fit a little different? Is your mind clearer? Then good job!!

Say goodbye to the green grass on the other side is what I am telling you. If you want green grass on YOUR side -- fertilize it, think about it, do your best -- and if your like me? Well maybe you don't want grass at all, darn stuff just makes me sneeze anyway!  

1 comment:

  1. ❤️❤️❤️ Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you!

    And dear sister, being you is pretty great. We all love the you you. Not the trying to be someone else you. So continue to work on being the youiest you you can be!! ��
